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Institute for Continuing Learning

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Spring registration will open at 12:00 am on March 10th.

For additional course details please select  the course below.

YHC campus map highlighting location of the ICL classroom and Goolsby center.   YHC-Campus-Map.pdf

Current Courses

    • March 31, 2025
    • May 19, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • 862 Main Street, Young Harris - ICL Classroom
    • 0
    Join waitlist
    Course Instructor - George Owen

    Course Fee - $30.00

    Again, for the third year George Owen is presenting his course, "Outdoors and Hiking in the Southern Appalachians" for the spring ICL season. The two-hour 10 a.m. Monday course for eight weeks is open to a wide audience beginning March 31 for adults ranging from newcomers to our area who love the outdoors to those seeking to broaden their Southern Appalachians outdoor and hiking knowledge. Beginners to experts in hiking are welcome. George has spent over a half-century creating and leading outdoor adventures in this area, ranging from northern Georgia to the Smokies and beyond. Everything from Southern Appalachian animals to weather and much information about hiking trails and far more will be presented. He will have many free handouts, and several of his hours will feature guest experts from our area on related specific subjects. One such presenter will be an expert on photographing mountain wildflowers, perfect for spring.

    Instructor George Owen has over decades served as president of three Appalachian area hiking clubs. He is a co-founder and former president of the Benton MacKaye Trail Association, former maintenance and construction director for the GA Appalachian Trail Club and just retired from the longest presidency of the Mountain High Hikers club. He grew up spending much time in the wilds of his native state Florida, and while in college ran the nature lore program of one of Florida's largest youth camps. He married and moved to Georgia with his wife Sandy where they became parents of two sons and now have four grandchildren. In Georgia, beyond his two careers, he became noted over decades for laying out and supervising the construction of over 125 miles of hiking trails on the Chattahoochee National Forest, including all the Benton MacKaye Trail of 82 miles, and several side trails of the Appalachian Trail (AT) including four miles of the 8.3-mile AT Approach Trail. After retirement he was a guide for an American company for ten years in the Swiss Alps. He in his senior years continues to lead hikes for trail clubs and groups and work on existing and proposed trails.

    • March 31, 2025
    • April 21, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 12

    Course Instructor - Ann Marie Stanczyk

    Course Fee - $25.00

    Are there good sugars? Yes. Are there bad sugars? Yes. What's the difference? Can diet reverse or prevent diabetes? Yes. Everything you always wanted to know, or didn't understand about sugar will become very clear in this class. We will do an experiment with starch, have a sugar tasting, and stomp on harmful food, just for fun.

    Ann Marie Stanczyk is a Medical Technologist with a Master's degree in Nutrition. She is focused on improving people's health and has shown many people of all ages how to avoid or reverse diabetes.  She has also worked for a holistic doctor in Blairsville for 6 years, who used diet and exercise, not drugs, to restore people's health.

    • March 31, 2025
    • May 19, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 0
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    Course Instructor - Ken Sampson

    Course Fee - $35.00

    The beginner class will start at 3:15. 

    The group that has been taking classes for the last 2 sessions will start at 4:15. 

    This class welcomes beginners and those who want to move on to the continuing or intermediate level.  For beginners we will follow Scrugg's style lessons beginning with Banjo Parts Description, Basic Rolls with the Picking Pattern and several Chord Structures. Students will have the ability to play several simple songs by the end of the session. For students who have been through the beginning session we will begin to play more complex songs with more complex Right Hand Picking Patterns as well as learning the fret board and Left Hand Banjo Picking Shapes. 

    Required materials for this class include a Five String Banjo, Banjo Tuner, Banjo Finger Picks, Music Stand and an Instrument Stand.

    Retired From ExxonMobil after 35 years primarily in Southeast Florida. Married to Peggysue Sampson. We have 5 children between us with 9 Grandchildren from 8 months to 18 years old. I bought and kept a Banjo under my bed for well over 10 years, occasionally picking it up to learn how to play since there are no Banjo Instructors in SE Fla. When we retired and moved to Blairsville in 2010, we were told about Oasis. I signed up in 2012 and learned to play. After 1 of our instructors retired from there another player and I took over. I started teaching the beginner class and he took the intermediate one. When he retired about 3 or so years ago, I began teaching both levels and continue to do so today. I also play in 2 separate Jams every week and have taught myself to play a Dobro.

    Over the last 3 years, I have played Banjo but mostly Dobro (we do have another Banjo player) for our band which is the Wilderness Pickers. We perform at Reece Museum every month as well as the Old Court House in Blairsville twice during the summer months. We also play at retirement homes as well as both days at the Heritage Festival in Blairsville.

    • April 01, 2025
    • May 20, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 6

    Course Instructor - Ann Powell

    Course Fee - $30.00

    Mah-Jongg is a game that originated in China and is similar to the Western card game rummy. It is a game of skill, strategy, and calculation and involves a degree of chance. The game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols. Three or four players play the game using numbered tiles. During those first years after its introduction a real craze developed around Mah-Jongg, but like all fashions it came and went. However, recently a growing number of people are realizing the intellectual challenge Mah-Jongg possesses and the beauty and excitement of the game itself. This class will lead you step by step into the wonderful world of Mah-Jongg.  Come learn and play.

    After living in various places: Pittsburgh, PA; Spartanburg, SC; Upper Saddle River, NJ; Chicago, IL; Charleston, SC and Franklin, NC, Ann made the retirement decision to live in Blairsville, GA in 2017. Ann learned how to play Mahjongg 12 years ago. While growing up in the Pittsburgh area, Ann did see and hear the tiles “clickity, clickity” on the tables while her friend’s parents played Mah-jongg. Never did she ever think she would one day learn to play and teach Mahjongg.

    • April 01, 2025
    • May 13, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • 862 Main Street, Young Harris - ICL Classroom
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Course Instructor  - Stephan Banakas

    Course Fee - $30.00

    NO CLASS ON April 29th

    This class will combine basic photographic skills with Spring wildflowers as the primary subjects to be photographed.  Each week students will attend a 4-hour class that will begin in the classroom with a Power Point presentation centered on basic camera techniques, adjustments, and considerations that will aid them in photographing these wildflowers.  After the classroom portion of the class students will then be taken to specific outdoor areas where they will photograph wildflowers that are blooming at that time.  Should anyone prefer not to join in this part of the class, they will have an opportunity to go to various areas and shoot at their leisure.

    Students will then be requested to submit a few of their photos to the instructor who will include the photos along with camera settings in the Power Point for presentation and discussion by the class during the following week.  And the above-described process will be repeated.

    Should the weather be bad, the classroom portion of the class would still be held and a ‘make up day’ for the outdoor portion of the class would be scheduled at the end of the 5-session class.

    The class would be limited to 10 students and would be conducted over 5 sessions lasting 4 hours/session.

    Students must possess basic camera skills and be able to handle short hikes on uneven ground.

    May 13th reserved as a make-up weather day. 

    Stephan Banakas is an avid fly fisherman and wildflower/landscape photographer.  He is originally from Pensacola, FL. where he worked as a police officer until he retired in 1999.  He now lives in Hayesville with his wife, Diane, and their two cats Gordon and Maggie.

    • April 01, 2025
    • April 29, 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • Art Studio - 1942 Old Hwy 64 W, Hayesville, NC
    • 7

    Instructor - Billie Shelburn

    Course Fee - $30.00

    Materials Fee - $25.00 per class

    Capturing the colors of our area in spring can be exciting and rewarding as they begin to dominate the surrounding landscape.  We will work with canvas and acrylic paint to complete paintings that will maintain that excitement for all time.  We will cover all aspects of color choices, composition and general painting rules that will assure success in our endeavors.  Come ready to achieve results that will make your painting skills grow and please your creative spirit and appreciation of the nature of our area.  All levels welcome.

    All materials will be provided for $25 per day by the instructor along with handouts for future reference.

    Billie Shelburn is a contemporary studio artist and fine art instructor in painting, drawing and mixed media. Billie’s works are comprised of representational, impressionistic and mixed media styles.  Her paintings have won National, International and Regional awards.  Billie was inducted into the National Organization for Women in Arts in Washington, D.C. and has served on the Executive Boards of Georgia Watercolor Society.  Currently Ms. Shelburn is the Past Resident Artist at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, N.C. 

    • April 02, 2025
    • May 14, 2025
    • 7 sessions
    • 862 Main Street, Young Harris - ICL Classroom
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Instructor - Teryn Romaine

    Course Fee - $25.00

    This class will be an introduction to native plants and the Georgia Native Plant Society.  We will also learn about the Picture This Plant ID app and its characteristics.

    Topics of discussion:

    • The role of natives in the broader ecosystem
    • Invasives: what they are and how to handle them
    • Time permitting, Propagating and obtaining native plants
    • Landscaping with natives
    • A field trip to my home in Blairsville, with native plants tagged
    • Possible second field trip, to a park area

    I am a retired high school biology teacher who has been involved with local chapters of state Native Plant Societies (FL and GA) since 2011.  When we moved here 4 years ago my husband and I started the North Georgia Mountains chapter of the Georgia Native Plant Society, with goals including expanding people's understanding of the importance of promoting native plants and including them in garden installations.


    • April 02, 2025
    • April 23, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • YHC Fitness Center in the Recreation Building (downstairs)
    • 2

    Instructor - Mark Anderson

    Course - Fee $25.00

    YIN Yoga is rooted in ancient tradition bringing everything in harmony and balance. YIN postures and shapes are held longer than in typical yoga classes. Prolonged stretches clean and strengthen our bodies while releasing tension in the connective tissues in the body (fascia). Please bring a yoga mat and any props you have (block/bolster/belt).

    Building 36 on YHC-Campus-Map

    Mark Anderson is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS).  His main place of business is Thai BodyWork Georgia, Whisper Woods Rd, Hiawassee, GA.

    • April 02, 2025
    • May 21, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Wilson Lecture Hall in Goolsby Center (On Duckworth Drive)
    • 6

    Course Instructor - Rabbi Yonatan Hambourger

    Course Fee - $50.00

    Please note: The course fee includes the price of the class book 

    ICL veteran Course Instructor Rabbi Yonatan Hambourger is presenting an exciting new eight-week course for the spring session.  You can view the course video trailer here.  

    Course Description

    Unlike any other creature on Earth, you possess something extraordinary – the power to shape your destiny through conscious choice. In this transformative, Eight-Week course, we'll explore profound spiritual insights from Kabbalah – the ancient Jewish mystical tradition transmitted by G-d to Moses at Mount Sinai. While these teachings originate from Judaism, their universal truths transcend religious boundaries.

    Within every human soul lies a reflection of divine attributes. These aren't just abstract concepts; they're the building blocks of creation and the blueprint for human potential, offering profound insights for spiritual seekers of all backgrounds.  

    The Divine Attributes: A Universal Language of the Soul

    The divine attributes (Sefirot) represent different aspects of G-d's interaction with creation. Because we're created in the divine image, they exist within each of us as intellectual, emotive, and behavioral attributes (Middot), channeling divine energy into our world:

    Chochmah (Wisdom): The flash of insight, the spark before form
    Binah (Understanding): The ability to analyze and develop ideas
    Da'at (Knowledge): Deep connection through intimate knowing
    Chesed (Loving-kindness): Unconditional giving and expansion
    Gevurah (Strength/Discipline): The power of restraint and healthy boundaries
    Tiferet (Harmony/Beauty): Perfect balance between kindness and discipline
    Netzach (Endurance): Determination to overcome obstacles
    Hod (Humility): Setting ego aside to receive wisdom
    Yesod (Foundation): The power to build lasting connections
    Malchut (Kingdom): Bringing potential into reality

    Universal Wisdom for All Paths

    Just as mathematics reveals the underlying patterns of the physical world, these divine attributes illuminate the architecture of the spiritual realm. Whatever your faith or tradition, understanding and mastering these timeless principles opens pathways to higher consciousness and deeper spiritual awareness.

    Your Journey of Integration

    Through this course, you'll learn to:

    Recognize these divine attributes within yourself

    • Balance opposing forces in your life
    • Develop emotional intelligence and self-awareness
    • Create meaningful relationships
    • Transform challenges into opportunities

    Each lesson builds upon the last, providing practical exercises and meditation techniques to integrate these qualities into daily life.

    From Understanding to Transformation

    This isn't theoretical study – it's a practical path to growth. Through working with these divine attributes, you'll enhance your:

    • Prayer and meditation practice
    • Decision-making abilities
    • Emotional resilience
    • Relationships
    • Spiritual connection

    Join me on this journey of discovery, as we explore how these divine attributes can illuminate every aspect of your life.

    Rabbi Yonatan Hambourger teaches Torah and Jewish mysticism throughout Georgia, addressing both Jewish and Christian audiences. He writes two weekly newspaper columns, serves as a prison chaplain, and has taught eight courses for ICL. Through his teaching and public speaking, he brings warmth and wisdom, along with an unwavering dedication to fostering unity through shared values and understanding. His mission is simple: to help people from all walks of life find deeper meaning in their lives.

    • April 02, 2025
    • May 21, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 4

    Course Instructor - George Curran

    Course Fee - $30.00

    Improve your bridge game with a focus on card play.  You will learn to analyze your hand, make a plan and execute the plan. You will learn about defensive card play.

    George Curran is a resident of Union County but has lived in Pennsylvania, California and Florida. He retired to the Blairsville area in 2008. He learned to play Bridge in the 1960s while in college and has played ever since. He has played social Bridge and duplicate Bridge. George is also a Bridge Instructor in Blairsville.

    • April 02, 2025
    • April 23, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 20

    Instructor - Heather Welch

    Course Fee - $25.00

    We'll study the rulers of Early Modern England from Henry VIII and all his wives to the Restoration of Charles II. Each class will also look at media portrayals of the rulers and offer recommendations for further learning. 

    Heather Welch holds a PhD in History from Georgia State University and has taught at University of North Georgia, Georgia State University, and Kennesaw State University. She has lived in Towns County for 18 years. Currently, she works at the Mountain Regional Library System. Heather considers herself a lifelong learner and feels very passionate about helping others find enjoyment in learning.

    • April 02, 2025
    • May 07, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Wilson Lecture Hall in Goolsby Center (On Duckworth Drive)

    Course Instructor - Dr. John Wells

     Course Fee - $25.00

    The course will examine the broad undercurrents of the Southern Political Tradition and then move on to the momentous changes that took place in voting patterns in the decades after the Second World War.  Key elements of the partisan realignment will be discussed, including the effects of suburbanization in the South, the rise of a post-agrarian economy, and the civil rights movement.  We will discuss the colorful figures of this time period such as Strom Thurmond, Lester Mattox, George Wallace, and Richard Russell as well as elected leaders of the "New South." 

    A native of East Tennessee, Dr. Wells is the son of two ministers in the United Methodist Church and served briefly as a minister himself before turning to a career in higher education. He earned his B.A. in History from Carson-Newman University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Tennessee.

    Dr. Wells previously served as Provost and Interim President of Young Harris from 2005 to 2009, during the College’s transition from junior college to senior college. He most recently served as Provost and later President of a fellow Methodist-affiliated institution, Emory & Henry College in Southwest Virginia, from 2017 to 2024 and was appointed as the institution’s first Chancellor upon his retirement in July. 

    Dr. Wells’s wife, Dr. Shannon Earle, previously served as a student affairs professional at Young Harris and now serves as Associate Vice Chancellor for University Advancement at the University of North Carolina Asheville. They have two adult children, Garland and Molly. 

    • April 03, 2025
    • May 22, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 6

    Instructor - Christine (Chris) Hall

    Course Fee - $30.00

    This class will cover tips to improve your game using various strategies for the different stages of the game. We will cover the card, general advice, strategies on the Charleston, early-game, mid-game and end-of-game play. It is advisable to be experienced in the game before attending this class.

    Chris moved to Murphy, NC full-time in 2016 after retiring from the US Army.  She learned the game that year and has enjoyed playing regularly ever since learning the game.

    • April 03, 2025
    • May 22, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 4

    Course Instructor - Delaine Sapp

    Course Fee - $30.00

    This class is for players who are able to read tablature and play tunes with 3 finger chords. Participants must also be familiar with use of a capo and have the ability to retune when needed. Presented tunes may vary in difficulty but taught tunes will be a variety of both slow, melodic  and quick tunes, such as jigs and reels. Requirements include: dulcimer, pick, music stand, 3 ring binder, pen, highlighter, tuner, capo.

    A retired Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Delaine Sapp has been involved in instrumental music performance and instruction all her life. She has performed in international venues and received awards for her skill with several instruments and styles of music. Her earliest venture into the music arts was the clarinet which led her to bagpipe bands and ultimately to the piano, the ukulele, penny whistle and the mountain dulcimer. Her passion for music includes composing and arranging and helping others pursue their musical journeys.

    • April 03, 2025
    • May 22, 2025
    • 7 sessions
    • Pickleball Courts - 67 Chase Drive, Blairsville, GA
    • 0
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    Course Instructor Sharon Harkavy

    Course Fee $30.00

    NO CLASS ON April 24th

    If you want to learn how to play pickleball in a fun and friendly class with beginners, then this is the class for you.  I will provide paddles and balls.  YOU need to come wearing court sneakers, either pickleball or tennis.  This is important because running and walking sneakers do not allow for proper lateral motion, and I don’t want anyone tripping because of their footwear.  You should also wear eyeglasses or protective eyewear and comfortable clothing such as shorts, leggings, sweatpants, shorts, etc. We will be getting sweaty.  Please bring a full water bottle as well.  You will learn everything needed to become a player of this fun game.  Past players who are still not feeling comfortable with the rules or their skills may repeat a class.   Please note:  this class is very popular.  The entire class is based on having 8 participants at EVERY CLASS.  Please remember when you don’t attend, it affects everyone in the class.  Can’t wait to get you started on playing this wonderful game.

    Sharon is a Maine native who now lives in Morganton, GA.  She has been playing pickleball for 2 years after decades of playing competitive tennis.  She is an IPTPA(International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association) certified instructor.  Sharon has been certified in many areas and has taught dance aerobics, fitness classes, stretching, STEP classes, water aerobics, deep water exercise, water walking, water STEP, and private swim lessons for both adults and children.  She has been teaching for over 2 decades. She is active in the Blairsville Pickleball Club and also plays with the Fannin Pickleball club.  Sharon loves teaching active classes for all ages especially adults.  She is a mother of three, including a set of twins, grandmother of one, and is married to Jeff for almost 40 years.  She is an active animal rescue supporter and educator who currently shares her life with 4 dogs and 1 cat.  Sharon is looking forward to teaching the amazing game of pickleball to her new students. 

    • April 03, 2025
    • May 22, 2025
    • 7 sessions
    • Pickleball Courts - 67 Chase Drive, Blairsville, GA
    • 0
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    Course Instructor Sharon Harkavy

    Course Fee $30.00

    NO CLASS ON April 24th

    Okay, you know the basics of pickleball and you know how to play, but now what?  Do you want to get better?  Do you want to learn more than the basic shots?  Do you want to learn strategy?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have found the right class.  The session will run for 8 weeks.  If you have a paddle, please bring it.  I will also have paddles to try and balls.  You need to wear court sneakers such as pickleball or tennis sneakers, eyeglasses or protective eyewear and comfortable clothing such as shorts, leggings, sweatpants, shorts, etc….We will be getting sweaty.  Please bring a full water bottle as well.  You will learn about drop shots, drives, the overhead smash, lobs, block volleys, punch volleys as well as strategy for better play.  Past students may repeat a class.  Please note:  The entire class is based on 8 participants at EVERY CLASS.  Please remember when you don’t attend it affects everyone in the class.  Can’t wait to get you started on playing this wonderful game.

    Sharon is a Maine native who now lives in Morganton, GA.  She has been playing pickleball for 2 years  after decades of playing competitive tennis.  She is an IPTPA(International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association) certified instructor.  Sharon has been certified in many areas and has taught dance aerobics, fitness classes, stretching, STEP classes, water aerobics, deep water exercise, water walking, water STEP, and private swim lessons for both adults and children.  She has been teaching for over 2 decades.  She is active in the Blairsville Pickleball Club and also plays with the Fannin Pickleball club.  Sharon loves teaching active classes for all ages especially adults.  She is a mother of three, including a set of twins, grandmother of one, and is married to Jeff for almost 40 years.  She is an active animal rescue supporter and educator who currently shares her life with 4 dogs and 1 cat.  Sharon is looking forward to teaching the amazing game of pickleball to her new students. 

    • April 03, 2025
    • May 22, 2025
    • 8 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main St, Young Harris
    • 28

    Course Instructor - Rick Sapp

    Course Fee - $25.00

    Men, it's time to juggle your mental chainsaws. Race brain cells in the dark without lights. Expose our strong, imaginative maleness to lightning in a storm. (Why leave this fun to Ben Franklin?) In this small group setting we'll rediscover the raw power of poetry. Not a class for the faint-of-heart, it explores poetry for men, written by men. Not gladiolas, but gunpowder. Not fairies and bird feathers but fishing and fighting. Not hand-holding poetry but the singular strength of fist bumps and arm wrestling. With hand-outs and email we will discover that "poetry" has been kidnapped ... and we men want it back. We promise an exciting time!

    Richard “Rick” Sapp grew up on a Florida island. Following military service, he completed a PhD in Cultural Anthropology (U.S. Air Force Academy, Catholic University and University of Florida). He was first published in a poetry anthology (about 1971) and has since worked for newspapers and magazines. As an editor and freelance writer, he has authored nearly fifty books for a variety of publishers and hundreds of fiction and nonfiction features in media as diverse as sailing, archery and governmental affairs. Rick and his wife make their home in Blairsville, Georgia.

    • April 04, 2025
    • May 09, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 15

    Instructor - Dr. Bethann Bowman

    Course Fee - $25.00

    The "Holocaust and Human Behavior" course is modeled closely on the curriculum built by the Facing History & Ourselves organization ( The mission of the organization is to challenge students to reflect on and analyze moral questions and dilemmas that arise during the study of history and literature.  Adapted for adult learning, this course delves deeply into the history of the Holocaust. The lessons examine the political, legal, and social conditions of the Holocaust using primary source documents as well as upstander and survival testimony. We will explore human behavior and consider connections between our own actions and the actions of others. We will study the ways in which people make choices and choices make history. As James Baldwin says, "The great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in all that we do."  

    Standing up to racism, prejudice, and hate is a lifelong endeavor. This course offers the opportunity to examine history through a lens that will help us become more engaged in our history making choices. 

    Dr. Bethann Bowman earned her doctoral degree in English literature at the University of Tennessee. She has taught literature for over 20 years in a variety of settings from The Webb School of Knoxville to the University of Tennessee, Carson Newman University and Young Harris College. She is a lover of history, literature, people, the outdoors, and kitty cats! She is currently taking time off from full time teaching to read, write, run, spend time with family and generally enjoy life. 

    • April 08, 2025
    • April 22, 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • Zoom - Link will be sent to all who register for the class
    • 5

    Instructor  - Glenda Beall

    Course Fee - $25.00

    Beginners and Intermediate writers are welcome.

    Each of us has a unique life story. No one can tell your story but you. While our children and grandchildren now show little interest in our past, there will come a time when they will be grateful that we wrote and preserved our history. We often hear someone, after losing a father or mother, say, "I wish I had asked more questions. I wish I knew more about my parents' lives." 

    We will discuss how to decide what to write, how to write it so it resonates with your readers, and how to organize these stories. 

    In this class, we will write not only informative but entertaining as well as enlightening short pieces of no more than 2,000 words. Prompts are offered each week to stimulate memories. For those not familiar with Zoom, we will help you before the classes start to get familiar with the program.

    Glenda is a capable, empathic, and insightful writing teacher, who creates and sustains a safe, warm space for students to learn and become successful writers.

    Glenda creates a comfortable setting where students share their writing with others. She firmly believes in encouragement and sensitivity when helping writers improve their work.

    She has published a family history book, a collection of short stories, essays and photographs, and a poetry book. She has taught writing at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Tri-County College and ICL as well as her studio, Writers Circle Around the Table.

    • April 12, 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
    • ICL Classroom -862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 7

    Course Instructor - Barbara McMillan

    Course Fee - $20.00

    Materials Fee - $50.00

    Enjoy this fun and relaxing class.  Learn how to paint a barn quilt board, what types of paints to use along with staining and painting techniques. Materials include a 20" X 20" wood quilt board with 4 birds which is perfect for spring décor. The design is already in place for easy painting.  All paints, brushes, everything to complete the project.  The supply fee is $50.00. 

    Barbara has been teaching painting classes for about 8 years which includes watercolor and chalk painting.  She has been teaching quilt board painting for 4  years.  She has been a resident  of Murphy, N.C. for 13 years.


    • April 15, 2025
    • May 20, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Course Instructor - Julie Sibley

    Course Fee - $25.00

    Materials Fee - $15.00

    Start or restart your color moves with all the basics.  Let your imagination guide you into finding out how you like to layer colors. With the local landscapes as our guide, we will explore the magic of mixing colors and color charts. Then all the traditional techniques of washes, bleeds, and graduations, will be demonstrated, practiced, and combined, with your composition or designs.  The emphasis will be on the playfulness of this medium and letting yourself "go with the flow."    Bring supplies to begin painting the first day of class. If you have not purchased brushes or other supplies, wait until the first class when supplies are discussed, to find out what you actually need for this art form. 

    Every week you will receive color handouts on class presentations which is a one time materials fee charge of $15.00 for the class.

    This class is suitable for beginners to advanced.

    Supply List: Bring your favorite watercolor papers, brushes, watercolors, #2 pencil, pallet, brush rinsing container, masking fluid and spray bottle to join the fun.  Optional sketchbook or notebook for notes is recommended. 

    Juli Sibley is a designer, teacher and writer from Young Harris, GA.  As a student at YHC many of her inspirations for art came from the natural beauty of this valley.  Her latest book, "Earth Friendly Fabric Design" is available worldwide on  She holds a MA in Fine Art from Western Carolina University.   Most recently, she has been a member of the art faculty at Augusta State University where she taught the art history section of World Humanities.

    Be sure to catch Julie at her one woman show in Brasstown, NC in June.

    • April 18, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 21

    Course Instructor Nancy Page, RN, MSN

     Free to ICL Members

    Don't want to miss taking this course

    Come explore the world of the Great Apes.  Learn where they live, their habits and why they are endangered world-wide.  Also, find out why 95 of them have now settled in the Georgia mountains.

    Nancy is a retired Registered Nurse and nursing faculty member. She has worked across the country in a myriad of nursing capacities. After settling in north Georgia, she learned of Project Chimps starting up in 2014 and began volunteering there shortly thereafter. Her love of the chimps, volunteers, staff and mission have now meshed into the role of Outreach Coordinator where she is able to share the joy that is Project Chimps.


    • April 28, 2025
    • May 05, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 10

    Course Instructor - Jerry Taylor

    Course Fee - $25.00

    The purpose of this course is to acquaint you with segments of Georgia's post-Civil War history. Major topics to be considered will be Reconstruction, the Jim Crow era, the New South, Famous Georgians, Georgia Miscellany, and Georgia’s Natural Wonders.

    Tallulah Gorge

    Tallulah Gorge

    Jerry Taylor is a native of Towns County, having lived in the shadow of Brasstown Bald all his life. He graduated from Towns County High School and YHC. He holds degrees from UGA, North Georgia College and State University, and Lincoln Memorial University. Jerry is retired after thirty-three years as a public-school teacher.

    He is a member of the Historical Society and is Towns County's official historian. 

    He is a professional organist having served local churches for fifty years. His home, known as "The Organ Loft" features his collection of antique reed organs.

    • April 30, 2025
    • May 21, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Cupid Falls - 401-4498 Bryson Dr, Young Harris, GA 30582
    • 0
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    Course Instructor - Mark Anderson

    Course Fee - $25.00

    Connect body, mind, and spirit during this gentle flow yoga class. Safety and alignment will be emphasized. This class is a perfect way to begin or rekindle your yoga practice. Please bring a yoga mat and any props you have (block/bolster/belt). 

    Cupid Falls Location

    Mark Anderson is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS).  His main place of business is Thai BodyWork Georgia, Whisper Woods Rd, Hiawassee, GA.

    • May 01, 2025
    • May 29, 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • Art Studio - 1942 Old Hwy 64 W, Hayesville, NC
    • 8

    Instructor - Billie Shelburn

    Course Fee - $30.00

    Materials Fee - $25.00 per class

    Collage is the French term meaning "to glue".  Come to this class and learn just how much fun it is to work with.  It can add a new and creative meaning to your art endeavors.

    Collage is a very interesting way of introducing extra material into a painting or drawing.  Also it is a viable way of creating artistically on its own.  In this class all uses of collage will be demonstrated and explored.  Each week will contain the materials and methods to expand your knowledge of how to either incorporate it into your way of working in art, or how to do a complete work of art with only collage papers such as in chigiri-e, a form of collage primarily done in Japan. All materials will be provided by instructor each class for $25 per class.

    Billie Shelburn is a contemporary studio artist and fine art instructor in painting, drawing and mixed media. Billie’s works are comprised of representational, impressionistic and mixed media styles.  Her paintings have won National, International and Regional awards.  Billie was inducted into the National Organization for Women in Arts in Washington, D.C. and has served on the Executive Boards of Georgia Watercolor Society.  Currently Ms. Shelburn is the Past Resident Artist at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, N.C. 

    • May 03, 2025
    • 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
    • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
    • 0
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    Instructor  - Joyce Clair

    Course Fee - $20.00

    Materials Fee - $25.00

    Enjoy learning to paint cards with watercolor. Paint simple landscapes, florals, or still-life on 3 or 4 cards. Finished cards may be printed or framed if desired. Designed for beginners, instructor offers step-by-step instruction, demos, and individual guidance to ensure your success. Supplies provided for the class.  The materials fee is payable to the instructor at the first class.

    Joyce Clair is a retired nurse practitioner who has enjoyed watercolor  painting for over 35 years. She teaches painting and drawing to adults and teens at local art centers. Her classes are designed to be fun and easy for beginners. After growing up in Pennsylvania, Joyce lived in Maryland and Texas before retiring to Georgia. Joyce paints mostly outdoors and from her landscape and flower photos. Her works are influenced by master watercolorist, Ed Whitney. She has studied with Skip Lawrence, Tom Lynch, Zoltan Szabo, Frank Webb, and Morris Green. Joyce’s paintings are displayed at the Murphy Art Center and the Blue Ridge Art Center. Follow her on Facebook at Joyce Clair Art and

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