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Institute for Continuing Learning

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How Do I Join ICL?

To join ICL click on Join ICL above and enter the required information.  Annual dues are $35 and course fees vary from $15 to $30 per course. Special courses are sometimes more than $30.  

If you are new to ICL and attending class sessions on campus you will need to fill out the necessary information to obtain a permanent vehicle decal.

What are the Password Requirements?

Remember:  passwords are case sensitive

  • 12 characters or more
  • both upper and lower case letters
  • at least one number
  • at least one of the following special characters: #?!@$%^&*- 
  • no spaces

How Do I Pay for Membership and Courses?

As of 2023 annual membership and course registration on completed through the ICL online system.  If you need assistance send an email to

Do I Need to Sign a Waiver?

All students participating in ICL must accept the agreement to participate waiver when you create an account online.  A student must sign the waiver on the registration page every time when registering offline.

How Do I Get on the Mailing List?

Submit your name, email address, telephone number on the form provided on this web site under "Contact Us".

How Do I Register for a Class?

After you become a member you can register and pay for courses through the online which immediately secures a spot in the class as long as payment for the course has been made.  Be sure to fill out the vehicle information that is required for parking decal.  

Do I Need a Decal?

If you have a class on site at YHC you will be issued a decal.  For distance learning classes a decal will not be necessary.  Young Harris College requires all ICL students have a parking decal on their vehicle. The decal is good for as long as you own the vehicle.   If you do need a decal and are an online member you just need to change your profile information.  Make sure you entered the date the decal was requested.

In most cases, decals will be mailed to you.  The decal is good for as long as you own the vehicle.

Where Do I Place the Decal on my Vehicle and Where Do I Park?

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