Course Instructor - Rick Sapp
Course Fee - $30
No Class on October 24
Your life is unique, memorable. At times it has been exciting; at times, perhaps terrible. Why not breathe life into those experiences, your life lessons? Writing a memoir or an autobiography is a way to leave behind - to pay forward - your knowledge and experiences.
Seven classes of two hours each: Memoirs versus autobiographies. Why write about yourself? How to go about it - with many examples from history to today.
Richard “Rick” Sapp grew up on a Florida island. Following military service, he completed a PhD in Cultural Anthropology (U.S. Air Force Academy, Catholic University and University of Florida). He was first published in a poetry anthology (about 1971) and has since worked for newspapers and magazines. As an editor and freelance writer, he has authored nearly fifty books for a variety of publishers and hundreds of fiction and nonfiction features in media as diverse as sailing, archery and governmental affairs. Rick and his wife make their home in Blairsville, Georgia.