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Institute for Continuing Learning

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Chimps: Africa to N. Georgia Mountains

  • February 26, 2025
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • ICL Classroom - 862 Main Street, Young Harris
  • 2



Course Instructor Nancy Page, RN, MSN

 Free to ICL Members

While living on Lake Tanganyika in central Africa, Jane Goodall discovered  the high level of thinking and sociability of Chimpanzees in the wild.  Come hear more about her 30 years of living in Africa, how it shaped her life and about the mysteries of Lake Tanganyika.  Then, learn how chimpanzees were retired from medical research thanks largely to Dr. Jane's efforts and how 95 of them came to be settled in the mountains of Georgia.

Nancy is a retired Registered Nurse and nursing faculty member. She has worked across the country in a myriad of nursing capacities. After settling in north Georgia, she learned of Project Chimps starting up in 2014 and began volunteering there shortly thereafter. Her love of the chimps, volunteers, staff and mission have now meshed into the role of Outreach Coordinator where she is able to share the joy that is Project Chimps.


Classroom/Office Address:

862 Main St, Young Harris




Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 134

Young Harris, GA 30582

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